Embrace. Wellness. Now!

A different


My name is Madina Camara Seydi and my world turns around wellness. I am a multidisciplinary entrepreneur who has the curiosity to always learn about what makes me and others, particularly women, feel better. My focus is to raise awareness as well as empower others by inspiring them. So, I must be satisfied that my work is making a difference before I can be in peace as I pursue my goal of improving everything to the absolute best.

It is never too late to be who you might have been. Keep the focus! You can and you will get to where you want to be if you believe in yourself. What you achieve in life reflects the beliefs you have in yourself, so think big and don’t settle for second best.

How you choose to eat is one of the most important determinants of living a healthy life. When you make good choices about how you eat, move and think, you are setting yourself up for a healthy life. No matter what role you play at work, home, with your family, friends, bring the best in you. Set a standard of excellence for yourself and go for it 100%. It will positively impact the environment and people around you.

Put your focus on what you are hoping to achieve in life until you get it or get close to it. And remember, you cannot be awesome and bad at the same time. Pick one and write down why you think you are awesome or bad. Choose the first one and travel this journey with me.

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Extrême diets put your body into starvation mode, preventing you from burning unwanted fat and storing more fat and calories for you to survive on. This has severe repercussions. Get support and let’s tackle this issue!


Yoga activates the breath, which is connected to our vital life energy. All it takes is a simple regular practice to reap all the benefits: it helps you circulate vital energy throughout your body by bringing fresh blood into your cells, and uses poses and breathwork to cleanse and detoxify your organs. What are you waiting for?


Who said healthy food is boring food? Well…get ready for a flavorful cuisine

Daily habits

Small or inconsequential habits, day in and day out, over time add up and may be detrimental to our goals and our health.


Not knowing where to start is common: exercise helps us move better, feel better, look better and age better. But the reality is that many of us aren’t taking advantage of these benefits. We are not exercising as often or as appropriately as we should.

Madina C. Seydi

"Yoga is the space where flower blossoms.”

Madina is a Multidisciplinary entrepreneur. She has a master’s level in Reiki Energy work and has almost 2 decades of experience practicing and teaching power yoga, Bikram, Astanga, Vinyasa Flow and Yin yoga. She is certified in all those yoga modalities in addition to being a Pilates teacher and an accomplished fitness professional. She is passionate about sharing her experiences with wellness education as her forte. As a certified holistic nutrition coach and a medical aesthetician, Madina loves sharing her knowledge and developed unique life transformation programs that helped the minds and bodies of many. She inspires and guides people, especially women, on how to feed/take care of themselves and age gracefully by teaching them ways to stay happy, healthy and balanced.

Born in Senegal, Madina spent almost 30 years, all her adult life abroad and built her experience travelling the world.
I recreated myself and career over and found my true self as a healer, a nutrition coach, a fitness expert and a multi disciplinary entrepreneur
Energy work and personal development taught me a lot about myself and gave me the confidence I did not know I had.
I now set goals that have no limits so that I can reach the stars or get close

I do not teach anything I have not tried on myself. So, been there and done that.  I love learning and will never stop learning and sharing what I have learned over the years during my many travels. I’d like you to listen to your body and believe that the sky is the limit, no cliché intended! Go for your dreams, believe in them first to make them real. Believe me, no one else is going to do it for you.

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Work Experience

Meet Madina

Start where you are

Work with Madina

One-time Consultation

This is a 90 mins session with me where you get to ask any questions you want. I will go deep into the questions and you will leave the session energized and more educated. You will know what changes you can start implementing to better your life.

One-day Retreat

This workshop is recommended to people who want to get away from their    routine for a day and have fun learning healthy lifestyle.

We will start with a yoga class followed by a meditation. We will share a green smoothie experience, then we will head to the kitchen for a cooking demo. We will then share our meal over a question and answer discussion focused on sugar, fat and healthy carbohydrates. We will end the day with a Meditation class. We will go home with a better understanding of a healthy life style with recipes of everything we made that day. (Can be done with 1 person only)

Three-month 1-on-1

This is my signature program! This personalize program is great for the individual who wants to make sustainable changes in their life style privately. We will meet 2 times a month and we will target all aspect of your life. Step by step, I will help you learn how to really take care of yourself with no extremes. You will finish this program a happier, healthier and stronger version of yourself

Three-month Group Coaching

This group coaching is for 3 months and is great for someone who wants forever lasting changes. We will meet 2 times a month and we will work on a different topic every time.

Participants will get all the tools they need to live a healthy happy and balance life and no diets or restrictions for the rest of their lives. You will learn the difference between carbs, fats, proteins while learning how to kick stress and sugar to the curb.

This is a Holistic Coaching Group so all areas will be touched.

Shop with me

Here is what I use during my coaching, let me know if you want yours


See what others have to say!

Laissa Mouen- Dakar, Senegal

You always learn with Madina C. Seydi and her cutting edge wellness advice. For many of us, she has been instrumental in fitting our soul, body and mind amidst these troubled times. From choosing high quality ingredients to making healthy eating, from meditation courses to bikram yoga sessions, she has mastered a holistic approach that help you be the best version of yourself. She is simply an amazing coach and a wonderful role model!!!

Zainab Jabba- South Africa

I was was one of the people who struggled to calm my mind . Starting meditation with Madina was one of most helpful steps I took . Madina’s techniques were very easy to follow and her sessions were time effective. When Meditating with Madina you get very personal attention and coaching that is tailored to your individual needs. After a certain time of meditating with Madina , I feel more relaxed and my approach in handling day to day ups and downs improved. I got more than what I expected from these sessions .I strongly recommend her.

Philippe Duplat, 45 ans. Maryland

La chose qui m’a encouragé à travailler avec Madina est le fait qu’elle n’aime pas les régimes. Elle préfère les solutions durables. Elle te soutient plutôt que de te donner une liste de choses à manger et une liste de choses à ne pas manger. Elle t’écoute puis elle te guide et elle est toujours à l’écoute. J’adore son style. Je la recommence à tout le monde.

Mariama Dème, 38, Marseille

Quelle belle expérience ça été pour moi de travailler avec Madina! 

Je ne trouvais plus le temps de m’occuper de moi, de la maison, de ma famille et de mon travaille et je me suis laisser aller. C’était du fast-food Presque tous les jours pour nous à la maison. J’ai rencontré Madina au bon moment. Maintenant, je me sens moins stressée, plus organisée avec les repas  et je commence a trouver de l’équilibre avec mon poids.

John Kane

A friend of mine put me in contact with Madina after I stopped smoking and gained lots of weight. With patience and understanding, in few weeks Madina helped me change all I was doing and put me back on track. Now, I know how to feed myself and take care of my health. I can never thank you enough Madina.

Rachel Williams, 33 USA

Madina is powerhouse of knowledge. I learnt so much from her. From how to take care of my skin, how to breath, how to meditate, how to love my body, how to cook, how to feed myself to how to eat when I am in a restaurant. I am so glad I was introduced to her. I am always looking into any other ways I can work with her just so that I can spent more time with her because that is a treat for me.

Eléonore brown, 43, Washington Dc

The one on one coaching I did with Madina helps me feed my family and myself with more nourishing things and have a treat once in a while (without feeling guilty) while still staying healthy. I have now reached my ideal weight and have learned so many healthy recipes that our family don’t feel deprived at all. We eat great meals full of flavor that are very nourishing.

Anne Harris, 47 Virginia, USA

Madina showed me simple but powerful ways to get my life back. I feel stronger and more knowledgeable. I feel like I went to nutrition school just by doing her 3 month program. I highly recommend Madina

Eliza Brown, 31 Washington DC

Madina has a true passion and gift for what she is doing. She puts healthy lifestyle in a way that everyone should work with her

Samba Kane, 29 – Sénégal

Pendant de nombreuses années, je souffrais d’insomnie et de stress parce que j’avais traversé des périodes compliquées comme le décès de mon père. J’ai toujours été intéressée par la méditation mais je le faisais de manière désordonnée. Ainsi le coaching de bien-être avec la méditation s’est avéré incroyablement bénéfique, presque sans effort et les bienfaits ont été immédiats. Maintenant, je médite deux fois par jour : plus d’insomnie et moins de stress. Aujourd’hui je me sens plus calme et plus épanoui qu’avant. Grâce à ce coaching mon appréciation de la vie s’est approfondie et j’ai pu prendre plusieurs décisions et engagements surtout de manière organisée. Je crois sincèrement qu’apprendre à méditer avec MADINA CAMARA SEYDI a été la meilleure chose que je n’aie jamais faite et qu’elle m’a ouvert l’esprit à une toute nouvelle compréhension de la vie et surtout de ma personne.


You asked, I share.

Nutritious, clean and very simple recipes.